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City of Eberswalde

Eberswalde is on the rise - that's what you've read in Berlin's city magazines and newspapers over the past few years. Good point. The district town with its 43,000 inhabitants and the direct rail connection to Berlin,  a recognized university and industry and trade are also present here on the Finow Canal. The Eberswalde Museum, whose exhibits date back to the Bronze Age, provides interesting insights into the town's history. The Bürgerpark, Familiengarten and the forest botanical garden tie in with the long forest and field tradition, while in Kupferhammer and along the Alter Finow Canal the industrial monuments of bygone times are slowly being revived.  


We especially recommend the Eberswalde zoo, which is now the largest zoo in Brandenburg and has received many awards for its design and species-appropriate zoology. You should not miss the wolf enclosure and the lion enclosure.

Things are more modern in Finow. Not only regular car shows and old-timer reunions and festivals take place on the site of the former Soviet air base, but the airfield museum also has the original exhibits from the MiG fighter jet to the Tupolev 134 passenger plane ready for the technically oriented visitors to view.


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Eberswalde Museum

Culture is good! The Eberswalde Museum is located in the city's oldest half-timbered house, the Adler pharmacy, which dates back to the 17th century. The doors are open to everyone and although the building has seen a lot of history, there are no high steps or thresholds - the museum is wheelchair accessible.

The permanent and special exhibitions on the city and regional history will surprise you: New media are also used here. This makes all the facts even more tangible.

Golden past! You will be amazed: In the Eberswalde Museum you will find a replica of the Eberswalde gold find. It is still the most important Central European gold find from the Bronze Age - a total of 81 parts were found in 1913 in the brass factory settlement. The treasure dates back to 900 BC. This makes it an important testimony to the earlier history of the Finow Valley.

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The Eberswalde Museum offers you:

  • Age-appropriate guided tours through the exhibitions by prior arrangement

  • Public and museum educational events such as family days and action days for children

  • Cooperation and support in school projects

  • thematically changing special exhibitions

  • Information about local history

  • events

Good to know: In the Eberswalde Museum you will find an overview of the cultural area "Eberswalde im Finowtal". It starts with the development of the landscape formation up to the first human settlement. The museum itself is history: the house has a preserved black kitchen, you can hear about the history of local pharmacies and you will learn everything about the founding of the city in the Middle Ages and the expansion of the city in the years that followed.

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ZOO Eberswalde

Perhaps the most exciting lion enclosure in the world awaits you! When you reach the area where the lions live, you can go through a tunnel to the middle of the enclosure. Here you can observe the animals up close "among lions"!

Around 1,500 animals from five continents live on a total of 15 hectares. The Eberswalde Zoo has a lot of space for animals and visitors and therefore fewer fences, because zoo animals also like to move freely. The groups of monkeys and prosimians living freely in the trees of the zoo are particularly popular with visitors. You can also enter some animal enclosures with your children. Visit the kangaroos directly? No problem! The large jungle house offers visitors fun, excitement and a good insight into the lives of numerous animals from all over the world. Brown bears and wolves share a communal enclosure. Children and parents will quickly find the inhabitants of the zoo in spacious birdhouses, which are furnished like the natural habitat of the birds, or in the Ice Age glacier landscape with an integrated large outdoor enclosure for Siberian tigers. Incidentally, the Tiger Tower is also part of the Eberswalde Höhenpass.

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Baby animals are a magnet for visitors and are particularly popular with children. Around 150 young animals are born in the zoo every year. This protects the population of numerous endangered animal species such as tigers, leopards, cheetahs, monkeys, penguins and eagles.

So much information, children want to swing on the climbing frame like the monkeys on the tree. A total of five adventure playgrounds offer plenty of space to let off steam and in the petting zoo ponies, donkeys or goats can be fed and stroked. At the end of the day, nobody has to go home hungry as a lion: In the zoo restaurant "Brauner Bär" there are delicious menus for young and old.

Good to know: Parking spaces and lockable bicycle and motorbike boxes are available free of charge. Your dogs are allowed in the park free of charge on a short leash. Lending a handcart is practical for families and groups.

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Familiengarten Eberswalde

Spannung, Abwechslung und Erlebnis! – Das bietet der Familiengarten Eberswalde auf einer Gesamtfläche von 17 Hektar. Der großzügig angelegte Park bietet für jeden Geschmack und jedes Alter Freizeit- und Erholungsmöglichkeiten. Der am idyllischen Südufer des Finowkanals gelegene Familiengarten vereint abenteuerliche Spielpfade, Industriegeschichte, Pflanzenvielfalt und Sportmöglichkeiten. Die einzelnen Attraktionen wie der weite Blick von der 28 Meter hohen Aussichtsplattform des Montage-Eber-Krans, die zauberhafte Märchenspiellandschaft und die Erkundung der unterirdischen Betriebsarchen mit dem Tretboot finden Sie über das Menü – und viele andere Highlights, die Sie begeistern werden.

Quelle Familiengarten Eberswalde und Mehr

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